Saturday, September 18, 2010

7 1/2 Habits

Though its obvious we are constantly learning on a daily basis, its interesting to really think about the extent to which everyone is, in fact, a lifelong learner. Whether it be in school, on the job, or even watching a documentary on TV, I can't imagine a day doesn't go by that in this modern world, in which we are always interacting with others or receiving information through tv or computer, we learn something new.

Especially in a field where technology is constantly changing and expanding, being able to learn successfully is vital. While most of the "habits" were kind of common sense once you think about it, its helpful to see them laid out and gone over.

I think the easiest habit, one I do already, is the second, "accept responsibility for your own learning." I never would have made it through college with the grades I did if I didn't take responsibility for making sure I understood what was being taught, and what the assignments were, as well as for completing readings and assignments which further taught what the professor might not have expressly told us in a lecture. I do this every day at work as well, where I'm still in the training period, by making sure that if I have a question or am unsure of something, I ask immediately, and therefore take the responsibility of learning everything I can.

The hardest habit is probably the third, to see problems as challenges instead. While I certainly don't like to give up on things or quit when it gets tough, its hard for me to not get upset when a problem presents itself. In undergrad, though I would work hard to figure out the answer to the problem, I definitely stressed out a lot more than was probably helpful when I came up against a problem while working on a paper or assignment. I have a tendency to overreact when something goes wrong, but by trying harder to view a problem as a challenge to be solved, perhaps I can limit this, and thereby learn more effectively. As well as hopefully avoid taking a few years off my life from having nervous breakdowns.

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